Friday, September 30, 2011

Killing the neighbors dog......


So Animal Control is just about worthless.

First: Apparently animals only run during regular business hours.

I called last night about 6ish. The office is only open til 5! So I called the non-emergency police number.....I've had enough of this dog. I've had enough of the owner.

"Oh, it's not the dogs fault" Whatever. If I could poison the owner and not go to prison, I would.

If I could poison the dog and not think that I'd go to hell for it, I would.

I call my neighbor (the awesome ones) and tell her that I've called and was waiting for a call back. The officer on duty told me that I couldn't make an anonymous call, that animal control would have to contact me.

I told him, "Don't you know people are crazy these days? I don't KNOW the neighbor, what if he's a crazy?" Thinking to myself, he don't know me. What if I'm a crazy? (haha)

I ask my neighbor if she would come talk to them too because she has small dogs and children that she doesn't trust the dog around either. And while talking to her, my "other line" beeped in....

So animal control calls me and I spill my heart to them.

This dog will charge at you, barking and growling and stop charging within feet of you. If you've got a bat in hand, you could hit the damn thing.

It's one of those dogs that chase your car when you drive down the street. (I've actually tried hitting the dog. I left that part out......) How are those dogs able to do this without getting hit?!

I don't leave my house to get the kids from the bus, without my beating stick now. RIDICULOUS!

I can't let my kid outside...number one, he's terrified of most dogs and number 2, I don't trust that dog not to bite ME so I sure as hell don't trust it around my 6 year old.

I can't let my OWN dog outside on her RUNNER because I don't trust this dog not to bite her and I don't trust her not to tear him a new asshole!

I have neighbors that also have problems with this dog running the neighborhood.

So, after telling him everything and ask to remain anonymous, (which he had no problem with and was very nice) I hung up the phone and opened my window. I wanted to see when he showed up.

7:00 rolled around. No animal control. Dog still running and barking.

8:00 rolled around. Nothing.

Second reason Animal Control is Worthless: If you want them to actually show up, don't be the only person calling in a complaint.

8:30 rolls around and my good neighbor has had enough and wants the number. So I pass it on.

She gets in contact with animal control and makes a complaint.

A couple minutes before 9:00 the other family members that live in the house show up and the dog goes inside. FUCKING LOVELY.

9:05 I tell her that I'm going to bed, text me if they ever show up.

9:11 she texts me that they're here.

I step out on my front this time, I don't give a rats ass if they know I called. The good neighbors also step outside........

9:14 Animal Control backs out of the dogs owners driveway. And stops near the mailbox. I'm assuming to write down the address?


Thanks for nothing asshole. Thanks for nothing. WORTHLESS.

So my neighbor and I have vowed to call in and make a complaint each and every time now. No more letting it slide. I don't give a damn if the owners are outside trying to get the dog inside. I'm calling. I'm DONE!

And if that doesn't work. Bacon grease and a sponge. Or maybe just some good ol antifreeze. (yeah, that would never happen, but threatening it, makes me feel better.)

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