Monday, January 2, 2012

A Lesson: From Me to You

Dear Children,

You are still a child even though you are a teenager. So listen closely.......

Attention Children: When sneaking alcohol from adults:

1) Make sure the adult you are sneaking it from goes to bed DRUNK, not because she is tired. (or she will bust you)

2) Don't replace a bottle that had about 2 drinks left with another bottle that was never opened and is now missing a drinks worth from it. (or she will bust you)

3) Don't assume that the person will just assume another adult drank their liquor without questioning it. Especially when there are only a hand full of adults. (or she will bust you)

4) Most "Hard" liquors require an acquired taste. Not all adults like every kind of liquor. Especially the kind of liquor that I drink.

Consider yourself busted.



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